About me
Fullstack JavaScript Teacher
- Technology intelligence
- Teaching
2021-Now - O’Clock, Remote, France
PhD Student: Dynamic tesselation of scalar field
- Robust mesh generation and optimization for Implicit Skinning
- Multiple seminars, a poster at the IRIT and a presentation and paper at the french conference AFIG
- Teaching
- Full course UPSSITECH: Image synthesis (Blender, Matlab) - Master 1
- Practical courses and projects (L2 to M1) Paul Sabatier University: Advanced C++, Data structure, Computer graphics, Multithreading, Interactive systems.
- C++, Javascript, Matlab
- Publication
2018-2022 - IRIT, Toulouse, France
Internship: Automatic reconstruction of a jointed model
- State of the art of implicit surfaces for animation purposes
- Improve robustness and automation of the process
- C++, Matlab
2018 - IRIT, Toulouse, France
Permanent contract: Engineering consultant for Airbus D&S
- Satellite simulation project support
- Development and maintenance of Eclipse plugins
- Java, Java RCP, C++
2015-2017 - SII, Toulouse, France
Internship: Graphic benchmark for Set-Top-Box
- Cross compilation for Linux based Cortex ARM A9
- Graphic benchmark creation and development for OpeNGL or WebGL
- Results presentation to different professions
- C++, JavaScript, Java, OpenGL, WebGL
2015 - Technicolor, Rennes, France
Internship: IMU Coding
- Cross compilation for Real time linux based Cortex ARM v3
- State of the art, implementation on a Parrot drone
- Coding of an AHRS
- C++
2014 - LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France
Université Paul Sabatier
Master’s degree of computer graphics and image analysis
2018 - Toulouse, France
INSA Toulouse
Engineer’s degree in critical embedded systems
2015 - Toulouse, France
Linköpings universitet
One semester Erasmus in computer science
2014 - Linköping, Sweden
Drawing, Climbing, Off-road cycling, Role-playing and Board games.
Fell free to contact me at magpieduck@yahoo.com
Website is hosted on github